For instance, if you have a chance to hit a unit with a devastating flank charge that could potentially take if off the battlefield, then it might be worth it to use that Stark Rage even if it could potentially reduce you to only two remaining models.
Stark players often use this ability when the unit is either at full ranks, or on the last, but often the decision to use it needs to be purely based on the current state of the battlefield. When they’re on their last rank (4 remaining models), Stark Fury can be used without penalty. For every attack made using this ability the Sworn Swords take D3 wounds. Of course, something this powerful does not come without a price. And since it’s not an order, it can be used on every attack the Sworn Swords make during a round. Rolling 8 dice with critical blow and hitting on 3+ gives this 5 point unit an attack on par with some of the strongest units in the game. A key element of the Sworn Swords is their Stark Fury ability, an effect that allows them to hit on a 3+ and gain Critical Blow. Compared with their Lannister counterparts, the Guardsmen, they are slightly faster, with a 5 speed vs the Lannister 4, have the same to hit stat of 4+ while rolling more dice, and a 1 point worse defense. They don’t excel in any one area except morale, which at a 6+ is slightly better than average. The keyword to keep in mind when looking at Sworn Sword stats is average. They are cost-effective and flexible, and while other units are better suited for specific battlefield niches, the Sworn Swords are your versatile multitool. The Stark Sworn Swords are the backbone of many Stark armies. Experience is the best teacher, but in the style of Ser Rodrick Cassel (who you can find in Stark Heroes #1 ), we’ll do our best in this article to make sure you don’t hit your first battle unprepared. The key to winning games in ASOIAF TMG is not just understanding the capabilities of your units, but more importantly how they synergize with their comrades, commanders, attachments and NCUs to become a focused, deadly battlefield force. Rounding out your starter set are your two NCUs, Catelyn Stark, Lady of Winterfell and Sansa Stark, Little Bird.
Both of these commanders can also be fielded as regular unit attachments (and yes, Robb keeps his free wolf), along with the two Sworn Sword Captains and Umber Champion included in the starter. Robb, who can be fielded with Grey Wind, focuses on maneuverability and tactical retreats, while Greatjon punishes opponents with vicious counterattacks and auto-wounds. To command your Starks the set comes with two commanders, Robb Stark the Wolf Lord and Greatjon Umber, Lord of the Last Hearth. Included are two units of Stark Sworn Swords, one unit of Stark Outriders, and one unit of Umber Berserkers. The Stark vs Lannister Starter Set will provide you with the core units of the Stark battle line.